For the mobile store listings, please send an email to with the following files attached:
App icon
Must be a non-transparent .png image 1024px x 1024px. Recommended to leave space between the edge of the image and logo/central icon to avoid cropping on small devices.
Splash screen image
Must be a transparent .png image with square aspect ratio, recommended 2000px x 2000px.
Splash screens are briefly shown to the user while the app loads when opened. Splash screen images often include the app name/icon and/or Credit Union logo.
App Display Name
Text that appears underneath the app icon on the user’s device. Must be less than 30 characters, recommended to be as short as possible.
Android Play Store Feature Graphic
Must be a non-transparent .png image 1024px x 500px.
Text that describes the app to users and is shown in the app store. Must be less than 4,000 characters. If not provided, Reseda will provide a default description.
Release Technical Requirements
This guide assumes that you are registered in the Apple Developer Program.
In the Apple Developer account, create a new App Identifier.
The bundle ID should be “com.evergreen3c._____”. The blank can be an identifier of your choice for your Credit Union.
Enable to Associated Domains and Push Notification capabilities.
In the Apple Developer Account, create a new Apple Distribution certificate (if one doesn’t already exist).
In the Apple Developer Account, register a new Provisioning Profile.
Type is Distribution > App Store Connect
Use the bundle ID created in step 1
Use the Distribution certificate from step 2
In the Apple Developer account, register a new Key
Check “Apple Push Notifications service (APNs)”
The Key can only be downloaded once so save a copy for your records.
This will allow Reseda Group to send push notifications to the mobile app.
In App Store Connect, create a new App.
Select “iOS” under platforms.
Select the bundle ID created in step 1.
Enter your app name and primary language. Both can be changed later.
In App Store Connect, select “Users and Access” and invite a new user.
The email is with App Manager permissions enabled. This will allow Reseda Group to upload the app to your App Store account.
Send an email to with the following files attached or otherwise accessible:
Distribution certificate from step 2
This will either be a signed .cer file or an unsigned .cer file and a .p12 key. If unsure, please contact for assistance.
This is a sensitive file that should be transmitted securely.
Provisioning profile created in step 3
This is a .mobileprovision file.
APNs Key from step 4
This is a .p8 file that should be transmitted securely.
This guide assumes that you have purchased a Google Play App Developer License.
From the Google Play Console, create a new App.
Navigate to Setup > API access
Create a new service account and follow links to Google Cloud Platform
From GCP > Service Accounts, click “Create new Service Account”
Under roles, find and select “Service Account User”
Under Actions, click the 3 vertical dots, and select “Manage keys”
Click “Add Key” - “Create New Key”
Make sure JSON is selected as the key type
Save the file to your computer
Return to the Google Play Console and click “Done” to close the dialog
Click on “Grant Access” for the newly added service account (you may need to refresh the page for it to show up).
Choose the permissions the service account should have. It should have at least some of the Releases permissions
Click “Invite User” to finish
From the Google Play Console home screen, navigate to “Users and permissions” and invite a new user with email
Select the newly created app from Step 1 in App Permissions.
In Account Permissions, select the following:
App access
View app information and download bulk reports
View app quality information
Draft apps
Create, edit, and delete draft apps
Release to production, exclude devices, and use Play App Signing
Release apps to testing tracks
Manage testing tracks and edit tester lists
Store presence
Manage store presence
Manage policy declarations
Deep Links
Manage deep links
Send an email to with the following files attached or otherwise accessible:
The JSON service key created in step 5 (will be a .json file) and should be transmitted securely
Oakland University Credit Union, OUCU, is a licensed trade name of Michigan State University Federal Credit Union. MSUFCU remains the legal entity behind both brands, MSUFCU and OUCU. Federally insured by NCUA. Equal Housing Lender.
If you are using a screen-reader or other auxiliary aid and are having problems using this website, please call 800-766-6828 for assistance. All products and services available on this website are available at MSUFCU full-service locations.